This lockdown is much more boring than the previous one was. On one hand we’ve got used to staying in, so there’s a little less mental strain on not being able to go anywhere. On the other hand the weather is cold and wet, then it gets dark early. So there’s less happiness to be got from being out in the garden. It’s pretty easy to sit outside on the patio and be with nature when it’s moderately warm and daylight after dinner. It’s entirely different when it’s the same temperature as your fridge, drizzling and dark.
Last Rolo
Lucy tried Rolos for the first time, and decided that they were very yummy! (Photo: James Kemp)The highlight of my day was a walk with Lucy to the local co-op. We went the long way round to get some exercise, and played three rounds of the A-Z game. One on things you can wear, one on animals, and one on things you have actually eaten. The items you can wear was the hardest of the three. Although things you’ve actually eaten is quite tricky for the fussy eaters….
At the co-op Lucy chose a packet of Rolos as her treat for going on a long walk (by her standards). On the way there she’d told me all about a wedding planner game she’s been playing in her tablet. On the way back I explained to her about the last rolo. I also told her that we’d had a single rolo wrapped in the end of the roll in our wedding favours. I had to eat a lot of Rolos in the weeks leading up to our wedding!
Posting Parcels
I did manage another trip out. We had some parcels that needed dropping off at the post office. This included the replacement control circuit for the Kenwood Chef that I ordered in error. Even with four parcels, including one to Belgium that turned out not to fit through the large letter slot, it took me about ten minutes. What was a bit of a surprise was that the postage of a hardback book to Belgium on the cheapest option was £8.70. This takes 15-80 business days according to the time estimate. Maybe someone is walking there with it? Fortunately there’s no rush for it to get there.
A fairly standard Monday, even though it followed my five day weekend and everyone else’s four day weekend. Tracy was back at the hospital and I was working from home with the kids doing their school work.
For her writing challenge Lucy decided to write thank you notes for her friends that had dropped off presents in her birthday or shortly afterwards. So she found some paper and envelopes and wrote them out.
In the afternoon when I took some time off from work to help her with school we went for a walk to deliver the cards. We started with Amalie-Grace who lives a few doors down, and then walked through Furzefield Woods to deliver Kirsten & Ella’s card. We weren’t able to deliver Isabel’s because I didn’t know her address, but we did a circular walk back to the house, clocking up a mile.
Even though it was Sunday we still got a delivery this morning. A plush toy Baby Yoda arrived for Alexander. He ordered this using the CBG reward money he’s been earning by helping out.
baby Yoda
We lived watching season 1 of the Mandalorian on Disney+. One of the cutest things in the Star Wars universe is the baby Yoda, no-one who’s telling know his real name, so everyone just calls him baby Yoda.
We all love baby Yoda, and there was a bit of a fight over him when he was unpacked. When Alexander went off to do something Lucy appropriated baby Yoda to have some fun.
Sunday Walk
For our daily exercise, and combining with some shopping, Alexander and I walked into Redhill. Tracy and Lucy drove the car and went round the park while waiting for us.
We took the national cycle route 21 for some of the way. It goes through a little bit of a nature reserve. Some of the low lying land has been allowed to flood, creating a pond that has some wild birds in it, including some nesting swans and some mallard ducks.