After two days of celebrations we needed to get working to burn off the birthday cake!
We had rainbow cake for Lucy’s birthday, and now Tracy has made an awesome harlequin cake! (Photo: James Kemp)Gloves and tools ready on the bench for the family to get involved in clearing the back before the new shed arrives. (Photo: James Kemp)The ‘before’ photo. The back of the garden is rather unruly, and we need to put a shed in there on the right. (Photo: James Kemp)Two and a half hours of effort from us all and it’s looking a lot more under control! (Photo: James Kemp)The shed base is clearer than it was, bit it still needs some work to liberate it fully. (Photo: James Kemp)There was a spot of drama up the street, with police, fire and multiple ambulances at an incident in the woods. (Photo: James Kemp)The evening ‘after’ photo. We’ve collected more things to burn, swept the shed base and stacked a lot of spare bricks. (Photo: James Kemp)The raised beds aren’t quite ready for planting, although Tracy spent time trying to clear them. (Photo: James Kemp)A slightly clearer view of the back of the garden, after the lawnmower and hedge trimmers have worked their magic. (Photo: James Kemp)We could put a shed here. The base after the bricks were moved and the debris swept off it. (Photo: James Kemp)We found some concrete slabs behind some of the bushes! (Photo: James Kemp)After lots of hard work a plate of ribs! (Photo: James Kemp)
It’s Lucy’s birthday and she was so excited that she woke us all up at 0530, not quite dawn because it was fully daylight. We had a pretty full on day, and there were an awful lot of pictures.
Lucy at 0542, happy and super excited because it is her birthday!0545, we’re downstairs and Lucy is playing with her first present. (Photo: James Kemp)
0630: We had to wait until Nanna and Grandad woke up to video call so that they could see Lucy open their present. (Photo: James Kemp)
0654: Lucy sits amidst her presents and plays with them.0702: Alexander made waffles for breakfast, Lucy got a malteser waffle! (Photo: James Kemp)
0710: A happy birthday girl! (Photo: James Kemp)
0906: Decadence personified, an extra long straw to save her having to pick up the glass of cherryade while she builds lego. (Photo: James Kemp)
0928: Thumbs up for Nanna and Grandad who gave Lucy the lego friends lighthouse. (Photo: James Kemp)
1007: Concentrating on the build, Lucy working through bag three of the Lego Friends Lighthouse. (Photo: James Kemp)
1016: The Lego Friends Lighthouse build is complete, including a working light! (Photo: James Kemp)
1323: Birthday cake being dropped off as an essential supply! (Photo: James Kemp)
1322: Lucy blowing out the candle on her birthday cake (Photo: Geoff Low
The sparkler 8 candle on the cake (Photo: James Kemp)1323: Lucy slices the cake and pulls out the first rainbow coloured slice! (Photos: James Kemp)1325: A slice of the rainbow birthday cake so that you can see the full glory. (Photo: Geoff Low)1425: Cheers! Lucy with a glass of fizzy (cherryade) on her birthday. (Photo: James Kemp)
1925: We put some bunting up round the house for the VE Day celebration, as well as improvising a flagpole. (Photo: James Kemp)2037: Lucy’s LOL Surprise house with the lights on at bedtime. (Photo: James Kemp)